We recommend contact lenses even to those who have been unsuccessful with them in the past and who have been told they can’t wear contacts. We recommend contact lenses for youngsters around the age of 10 because of their active lifestyle, for cosmetic reasons, and in some cases for therapeautic reasons.

picture on contact lenses


During the course of a comprehensive eye examination we are happy to offer a free trial of contact lenses. We have most common prescriptions in stock. Samples of custom contact lenses for special conditions and prescriptions can be ordered. If based on the trial fit, you and the Dr are both satisfied, then our technician will teach insertion and removal of the contact lenses and give all the information necessary for successful contact lense wear. Our technician will give you solution, a case, an emergency phone number, and she will make a follow up appointment. If more than one visit is required to achieve a successful fit or a successful insertion and removal technique, we are happy to be as persistent as the situation calls for and there is no additional cost for the service. You will not order contact lenses until we all feel that success with trial contact lenses has been achieved. We guarantee your success with contact lenses; you will not pay for lenses you cannot wear.


We are often asked if contact lenses are appropriate for young people and at what age. We feel that young people around the age of ten years are good candidates because of their active lifestyle, for cosmetic reasons, and in some cases for therapeutic reasons. Parents should know that even the least responsible youngsters usually become very responsible with contact lenses if it means they don’t have to wear glasses.


We guarantee your success with contact lenses. You will not pay for contact lenses you cannot wear.


Our prices are competitive with all sources of contact lenses, including 1-800-contacts. Our expertise and service are superior… our free replacements make us preferred. Contact lens trials are almost always available at the time of your examination We offer significant rebates and discounts when you order a year supply of contact lenses. We expect the year supply to last a year and we replace lost and torn lenses free of charge. We will take back unopened boxes of lenses if there is a change in the prescription before the year is up.


Mon-Fri: 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Sat: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Sun: Closed

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